Is else s correct
When you are indicating possession, yours is the correct choice—not your's.We can use anyone in negative and interrogative (questions) sentences.That group of peoples is not so funny.We use the apostrophe s to show possession.It can't attach to a genitive noun phrase like somebody's, as in example 4:
However who is taking the place of whom in both the positions.Is there a word else's?Before you get mired in the many ways that the letter s plays in making things possessive, plural or possessive plural, there are a few things to understand about the 19th letter of the alphabet.However it is obviously considered to be accepted.Else can be an adverb e.g.
No, that is incorrect, anyone else?The english language can be a confusing thing, and the rules of the apostrophe cause many to be worried.I should really be going now i'll be late for my appointment.Is improper matter how you look at it.Correct usage of the adverb else :
What does or else mean?(incorrect) never use seldom or ever, but always say seldom or never or seldom if ever.It can be confusing for students, letter writers and essayists.We use someone else's when something belongs to a person but we don't know who that person … is someone else's correct?Rather than to say, that is someone elses, the proper usage of the word would have to be phrased, that belongs to someone else.
Someone else's is correct, because the two words together form a compound, indefinite, possessive pronoun.We must water the plants;