Should you eat more when taking antibiotics
When should you take antibiotics?Whenever you are on antibiotics, you should avoid citrus fruits and juice, especially grapefruit.When taking antibiotics, it's absolutely paramount that you understand which foods to avoid eating.Some antibiotics, such as tetracycline, should be taken on an empty stomach.Most yoghurts contain good bacteria but can't survive the acidity of the stomach.
But some antibiotics that used to be typical treatments for bacterial infections now don't work as well.Your vitamin b levels may also get low when you take antibiotics.Taking antibiotics when they're not needed won't help you, and their side effects can still cause harm.3) ask your pharmacist when you should take the antibiotic.Leaving out certain foods helps to improve absorption of antibiotics so that they work more efficiently.
It is possible to eat onions and garlic to avoid this problem.Certain foods can inhibit absorption of the medication, while others cause nausea and other unpleasant side effects, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and more.Therefore, you need the following foods when you are taking antibiotics.Get more probiotics daily start with the probiotics.Grapefruit juice and dietary supplements containing minerals like calciummay also work dampen the effect of antibiotics.
Grapefruit juice and dietary supplements containing minerals like calcium may also work dampen the effect of antibiotics.