What does tolerance mean in social studies
Tolerance creates a society in which people can feel valued and respected, and in which there is room for every person, each with their own ideas, thoughts and dreams.The status of particular social groups changes over time due to a number of factors, including societal prejudice.The internet is a danger to social tolerance, he wrote.Explore the definition, different types, and examples of tolerance, and how the level of.Some people may be more comfortable with closure ( basadur 1994;
Find 69 ways to say tolerance, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.Teaching tolerance ~ lesson plans in these lessons (arranged from lowest to highest grade levels), students learn that we are one world, as they explore diversity, stereotypes, positive race relations, and respect.Discrimination is prejudice in action scapegoat blaming an individual or group for things they could not or did not do.Tolerance can be described as a fair and objective attitude toward those whose lifestyle differs from yours.The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect;
When you are strong in your own identity and able to empathize with others, you will be better able to understand other cultures.The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant.