What mutilated means
Mutilus) is cutting off or causing injury to a body part of a person so that the part of the body is permanently damaged, detached or disfigured.It is practically impossible to teach good.A mutilated face might be cut so badly that you can't identify who it belongs to, and a mutilated arm could be crushed so terribly that it no longer looks like an arm.Verb (used with object), mu·ti·lat·ed, mu·ti·lat·ing.(pathology) to deprive of a limb, essential part, etc;
Mutilation cutting, tearing, erasing, or otherwise changing a document in a way that changes or destroys its legal effect.Synonyms, antonyms, derived terms, anagrams and senses of mutilated.See synonyms at mangle 1.Mutilatus, to maim] to deprive of a limb or a part;It is a federal crime to mutilate public records, coins, or passports.
Medical dictionary, © 2009 farlex and partners want to thank tfd for its existence?Extra protection for mental patients who might mutilate themselves 2 to damage or change something so much that it is completely spoiled the sculpture was badly mutilated in the late eighteenth century.Verb [ t ] us / ˈmjuː.t̬ ə l.eɪt / uk / ˈmjuː.tɪ.leɪt /.My brother was left to rot, mutilated, decomposing, while the murderer was enjoying life with his disemboweled body in the next room.i cannot shut that memory off.Mutilate in american english (ˈmjuːtlˌeit) transitive verb word forms: