How do you say you feel better in Spanish
At no time, nor in any way, will god ever fail his children.Translate i am feeling better.Espero que te sientas mejor.De acuerdo, dime cuándo te sientes cuando estás aquí.More spanish words for feel better.
(used to address one person) a.It is a pickup line you.In that case, using sentirse to translate feel would also work:I hope you feel better soon.¡te he extrañado en clase!Please see this site for confirmation.
That feels smooth. i feel like going to the store.Well, tell me, how you feel in 15 minutes.Artists from all over spain and latin america use spanish to sing incredible music,.(informal) (singular) i hear you weren't well earlier in the week.Espero que se sienta mejor.
The important thing, now, is to know how you feel.I hope you are feeling better in spanish is espero que te sientes mejor.See a translation report copyright infringement;