How can I connect with my subconscious mind
When you do that, you will be sending positive signals to your unconscious self.You need to have absolute control over what you think.Sometimes, even when we've built ourselves up with positive thoughts and affirmations, our actions take a little longer to get on board.Mind you there is no way you can access your subconscious when your mind is not at the theta range.13 steps you can use to reach your subconscious mind while awake 1.
If you want to train and control your subconscious mind, try these six tips and tricks.The conscious mind would be what you see when you're using your keyboard to type, move your cursor, give the computer commands, access your apps, etc.It makes us more receptive, awake and alert.Learn to listen to it.It is the penultimate intelligence in our body.
Accessing the subconscious mind through relaxation 1.(before you continue, you might want to read this article here to understand how you can program yourself for abundance by training your unconscious mind ).It's loveliness gives you hints as to where it leads.Everyone relishes praise, and our subconscious mind is no different.Be willing to see the unchangeable change.
Then talk about the drawing with another person and try and understand what it means.So let me explain it in steps 1 lie down straight on bed and feel relaxed 2 take deep breathes for sometime and feel freeSet your clock alarm to ring after 15 minutes in case you fall asleep.Feel and release any emotion that you become aware of related to these beliefs.Perhaps it's a trick and will lead you to a thorny patch.
Your intuition arising from your subconscious mind can often see your future.