What makes a woman emotionally attractive to a man
A man wants to be with a woman who takes responsibility for her feelings, who can be trusted to share feelings in a mature and sensitive way.Well, men appreciate a little fun and variety in the relationship.This means that a woman actually has to own what she.Any amount of wealth is useless if a man cannot manage his finances and does not know how to live according to his means.Women who take responsibility for their own emotions and their reactions to those emotions show an emotional maturity that is often very attractive.
Submissiveness is attractive to men for two reasons.Let's look at a survey:Long and shiny hair is a sign of good health and fertility in women.There is so much that has occurred in all of our pasts, and if we are lucky enough to get through it together there will be much to do in our future (hopefully together).Emotional attraction combined with a physical attraction is what it takes to have a meaningful relationship.
Second, because childlike submissiveness triggers the paternal instinct of men to love and protect.What makes a woman attractive.Emotional attraction goes beyond the physical one.Even more than the length of your third leg, the shape of your back can make women around the globe crazy about you.Just a pretty face is not enough to attract a woman to a man emotionally.