Are beliefs a choice
Contrary to the claims of christian evangelists, even when we do describe a belief as hard to achieve, we do not normally say that believing in the face of such obstacles is praiseworthy.I think that every time someone asks me to do something i feel is not a kind thing to do, or i feel pressured to do, or that i feel is wrong i just think i can choose not to participate in that situation,;Then, as a rational being, i follow the.For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever beleiveth in him, shall have eternal life in heaven.Genesis 2:7 (god breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.
It is foundational that a true christian will believe in a supreme being of superior.He sent his only begotten son to the cross, died a horrific death, paid our sin debt penalty for.Here are eight essential beliefs a true christian will have.Faith is not a matter of choice, but it is a result of multiple uncontrollable factors.Celibacy and abstinence contraception use emergency contraception use abortion childbirth
Belief is not a choice.I believe that grace is a choice.It is the only option, something we are forced to accept.My father, in the early stages of alzheimers, had suffered a stroke and a heart event and was in the hospital pending tests and surgery.Doxastic voluntarism — direct control philosophers nearly universally say belief is a not a choice, in terms of direct doxastic control.
Hold fast to that which is good.Religious beliefs should be treated as any other personal choice.If we choose to study science we may put a lot of credence in scientific methodology.